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AEMT Southern Meeting

03/10/18 Copper Rivet Distillery and Historic Dockyard

The Southern meeting took place on the 26th of September at the Chatham Historic Dockyard, an area of over 400 acres where the Royal Navy’s main facilities were held for several hundred years until the site was closed in 1984.   The site is now divided into three sections, Medway commercial ports, mixed commercial and residential developments and the Chatham Historic Dockyards, a visitor attraction.

As always AEMT meetings are a fantastic opportunity to meet, learn and network with professionals in the electrical and mechanical trades.  As president of the AEMT it was a pleasure catching up with old friends and new members.

Educationally, the meeting offered a refresh of marketing ideas including the importance of setting objectives and how LinkedIn can be used to draw interest to your specific product or service.    This was followed by technical presentations from SKF and NTN, bearing manufacturers exploring a case study on Baker Dynamic Motor Analysis and how fake bearings were affecting the industry.  A broad brush of topics offering something of relevance to all of the audience.

The day concluded with a visit to the Copper Rivet Distillery.  Of course, no drinking before driving, but plenty of samples taken away for later analysis. 

These events offer a welcome introduction to the work of the AEMT and your involvement and attendance can only strengthen and build on the great work of the association around the world – we look forward to seeing you at the next event!  www.theaemt.com/calendar
Gary Downes, President of the AEMT and Director of EMiR Software

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